Colorado Springs Senior Property Tax Exemption
The Colorado General Assembly has reinstated funding for the Senior Property Tax Exemption (a/k/a Senior Homestead Exemption) for tax year 2024, payable in 2025. In November 2000, Referendum A, also known as the Senior Homestead Exemption Act, was approved as an addition to the Colorado Constitution. The Act took effect as of January 1, 2002, for property taxes payable in 2003 and will remain in effect every year hereafter.
Homeowners that are 65 years or older and have lived in the property as their primary residence for at least 10 years may qualify for the tax exemption program offered by the El Paso County Assessor. Those who qualify can have their property taxes lowered up to 50% (of the first $200,00 in property value). Contact the El Paso County Assessor’s office for more information about this program at 719-520-6600.
The Deadline to Apply for Tax Year 2025 Payable in 2026 is July 15th!
Here is a link to the application;